LISTEN TO others. We all are busy in our life. We all are facing the battle of depression and anxiety. Life has become difficult and challenging ever since technology has become fast forward. Time has engulfed our schedule. Distance has destroyed our relationships. Days are slipping like minutes and we are on a journey to become materialistic. The world has become a whirlpool of downheartedness and dejection. The most heart-wrenching part, we all are drowning into it. Instead of pulling each other up, we are pushing ourselves and also others into the endless pit. . At the time of despair and downturn, we need to understand each other. We need to give time . We need to listen. But how shall we understand each other? By what means we can cement the gap between us? Listen to them. Ask yourself, when was the last time you listened to your loved ones genuinely? When was the last time you approached your closed ones and asked them about their condition? Did you...