GIVE SPACE- Nazeef Manegar

give space.

There was a moment in my life where I was surrounded by the people who controlled my mind and heart. I was supposed to do what they want me to do. I was supposed to talk like them. I was supposed to laugh, eat and act like them. At first, it was fine. I began to accept their rules and regulations. later, things didn't workout. I started feeling anxious. I grew nervous. I realize that I was in a bad relationship with these people. I remember where one of my friend said ' you have to uproot your plant if the root grew poisonous'. M circle was harmful. I was been controlled. I didn't have any freedom to express my views, thoughts and opinions. Life seems so unfair at that point. .

but the idea of love and friendship was still in my mind. I feared for I didn't have anyone to get mingle with during my college days. I was feared by the idea that I will be left alone with no one around me. I was feared by the notion of getting bullied by them. I was scared by the idea of losing their presence or perhaps me. .
one fine day, I took an oath that I won't destroy myself into the hands of these people. I will not throw myself to anyone who don't deserve my time, my friendship and my respect. I took an oath to myself, I will never let anyone control my life. I promised myself that I will never sell my freedom for anyone's attention.

life was resolving slowly and steadily. My mind was reformed. My body and soul took a new shape. I started to live a happy and healthy life. There were instances when I had to encounter with these people but I started handling these issues wisely. I went on ignoring them. For some time, I was left alone. I had no one to accompany with. I suffered loneliness but that was a blissful journey for I experienced a beautiful freedom that I always wanted.

days skipped into months, I began to spend time with books. Tolstoy and Allama Iqbal became my best friends. They would console me with their verses. Their verses touched my heart. I began to taste freedom in their verses. I began to study people with their eyes and perspective. I was astonished  to see people destroying themselves. How people can become a robot and live on someone else's rule? how can you sell your presence into the hands of machine makers?

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we have only one life. don't let anyone rule your presence. They are no one to impose rules and regulations. You are free to express your own thoughts and views. You are free to be whatever you want. You have done no wrong to look down on yourself. You deserve space to showcase what you are not what they want you to be.

everybody deserve space. you can't control someone else's life. you can't make them your puppets. learn to give them certain space. You can have a healthy relationship if you learnt the art of giving space and accept their presence with warm heart. Love them but don't control them. Appreciate their good things and don't reveal their weaknesses in public. peak kind words. Tell them that they are important and they acquire a greater position in your life. Everyone want space so let them take time if they don't want to talk to you. Remember your loved ones in your prayer. It will definitely raise barakah in your relationship. May Allah bestow his blessing upon us. Amen.  


  1. Very beautifully expressed...! :) :) :)

  2. First of all i want to say this, mistake is urs. Coz u surrounded urself wid wrong people. If they r good or they like ua frndship den they accept u wid der whole heart. How u r , n wat r ua thoughts r doesn't matter. If they r true frnds den they accept however u r,.
    Leave dat now. I am happy dat u realized dat, they p'ple don't deserve you n ua time. Yeah Nazeef, i am saying it to u n to u all whoever reading thiz. Please dont show ua weakness to any1. Coz they took it advantage from it.
    Keep writing bro
    Good job, keep it up.����

    1. shano kosko.
      thank you. it's our mistake that we all realize it later of choosing wrong friends. i am glad you read this. i am glad you have spoken what i just wanted to hear. please share this with your friends. :)

  3. As I was going on reading this .... tears were trickling down from my eyes and I realized it later. Masha Allah, your mind is beautiful..

    Similar things have happened in my life too..


  4. 1st of all mashaa Allah..the way u have expressed 😍 I almost had tears in my eyes..and exactly!! We must never give anyone to rule our lyf..glad that u came out of that circle and started enjoying it lyf..😊 May Allah bless you!!

    Keep writing..😊


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