-Nazeef manegar

“A winner fades but a legend stays forever.”

He hailed from a very small town in Jamaica A gem born in such infamous place. As a small boy he went through all struggles and setbacks but his determination and will power have brought him to his real home- the racing track.

Thousands of people gathered in the stadium to watch the most ‘predictable match’ of this legend- the lightning Bolt. But things are not always the same what it seems to be.Usain Bolt was declared ‘did not finish’ in his last match as he suffered from sudden cramp in his left hamstring. ‘The lightning Bolt’ fell down in the middle of the track as he could not overcome the injury.

Bolt holds the world record for fastest in 100m with 9.58 seconds. Also, He is the first to win 3 consecutive 100m Olympic gold.  Although sufferings from Scoliosis (a medical condition in which a person's spine has a sideways curve), he did not let it affect his performance. He was a person of high self esteem and self respect.

 His last match will always be remembered by millions. So what if he did not make it till the end? He was and is a victorious person. Not only Jamaicans but the whole world will miss this legend. The racing track will miss the sound of his beat. The stadium will mourn over the absence of such laudable soul. Bolt is an inspiration to all those who are struggling to achieve their goals, passion and art. It is a lesson for all of us that ‘end does not matter, what matters the most is the journey you have lived’. It is only then the world will celebrate your highness.'

You will be missed Usain. . . 


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