PART 1/2

There are two most important things that will be neglected by majority of people - time and health. [hadeeth]

Life without sound health is lame. We must try to stay healthy, both physically and mentally. In this competitive world, you need to be hale and hearty. Watching excessive porn videos or playing games for stretched hours, smoking, drinking, and consumption of junk food are some of the most common harmful things that are damaging the mankind at large scale.

Teenagers and young adults are falling into depression. Mental health has become a major issue in recent years. Children who are having improper diet at young age develop inactivity during their growing period. Lack of physical exercises due to advance technology that glues people onto the chair is hurting the health of many young adults.

Pollution is no more controllable. high rise of population is giving birth to a lot of epidemic diseases. Also, steady shift in lifestyle due to advance development in recent years has caused laziness and boredom in many young adults which later results in a heavy defeat.

Thus, preserving our health has become a primary task. Don’t allow things that will harm your health. Allow things that will nourish your body and soul. Take proper diet, stay hydrated, maintain a sharp sleep cycle, perform physical exercise, overcome addiction and nurture your soul by continuous Dhikr.

Thus, health is wealth. You cannot win life while losing health.


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