What are the SIDE EFFECTS of MASTURBATION? Part 2 of 3 -Nazeefwrites

There are many disadvantages of masturbation. We will try to highlight few points.

Man suffers from early ejaculation which can affect their married life. Also, a person who performs masturbation are coward for he has less patience in controlling his sexual desires. Fear and agitation will envelop his heart and mind all the time. He won’t be enough courageous to take risks in his life. 

Image result for sad man

Masculinity will be a question mark if he continues to perform this action. Shyness will color his face. They will try to screen themselves from other people. Even the lightest responsibility will look dreadful to them. Masturbation in men can also cause procrastination, tiredness and lack of focus. It also causes body ache.

Masturbation affects your memory. Even small and easy information will not imprint in your brain. Masturbation causes physical and mental weaknesses. It can affect your diet and alter your taste. Masturbation reduces the width of your penis. Men who are used to perform masturbation will not find mirth while performing sex with their partner because all they crave is self-pleasure and not ‘share-pleasure’. 

Higher rate of palpitation is observed in men who are likely to do masturbation twice in a week. It can make people more sensitive to light, sound, weather and touch. Lower grades in students and poor performance in employees are observed in recent stats that are bound to this habit. The habit of Masturbation can test their patience during foreplay. Being impulsive, angry and moody are some of the common traits of people who perform masturbation. Masturbation affects their sleep cycle and may direct a person to overthink .

Masturbation creates a world of fantasy that disallows a person to stay focus in real world! 

how to solve this issue? is there any treatment? stay tuned to find the answer in part 3 of 3 of this blog that will be released on Monday at 9 pm!

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if you have any doubts, you can personally DM me.  


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